PowerLok® Rack PDUs

PowerLok Product Details  PowerLok® offers greater reliability, advanced functionality and an overall higher standard of rack PDUs for mission critical facilities. From unmatched convenience and delivery options to the many unique customizations and modern design, PowerLok® is the most feature-rich PDU on the market, at market competitive prices.  Easy ordering and quick delivery – 32 select models ship next day, 10,000+ built models ship within 10–14 business days.  Contact your Data Clean account manager to design a custom configuration.

  • Available in basic or monitored versions.
  • Slim modern design - Only 2.18" wide & Only 2" deep.
  • Greatest receptacle density - 48 C13s or 36 C19s in a 72" PDU.
  • Low profile receptacles are protected from impact damage.
  • Innovative CordLok® technology secures C13 and C19 plugs.
  • Soldered connections provide more reliability.
  • Fixed angle input whip - Great for overhead or underfloor exit.
  • Highly visible group marking.
  • Advanced monitoring, including internal temperature reporting.
  • Simplified user interface with reversible view touchscreen.